First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!
My 2007 ended with a complete and utter IT crash, but it resulted in a new PC, so I will not complain. I am however still in the process of getting everything sorted and as I am a functional illiterate when it comes to anything IT, things are a bit slow at the moment – plus I have a ton of commitments in real space that are limiting my time in cyberspace, but I am sooo happy to be back in yer midst.
In December my friend Rod Rushing tagged me and due to my electronic black-out I have been unable to honor the meme he sent me until now. I am happy to finally be able to do so in this posting.
I have made many friends in the few months since I joined BlogCatalog and this has made the blogging experience so much more meaningful since I started blogging for the sole purpose of connecting with people all over the world. This venture has made the concept of the Global Village extremely real for me and I hope to make many more friends in the course of this year.
However, today I want to single out a few special friends that I regularly visit and whose visits to my site comforts me.
The fist ever person I met in blogland is Rod, recovering gay crystal meth user, who devotes his time both in cyber and real space to help other meth users kick their “tina” habit. He has an uncanny ability to share his experiences with painful frankness without wallowing in it or getting caught in sentimental circle speak – a quality I really admire. There is no self pity in Rod for anything he has lost, only an iron resolve to fight this deadly scourge with everything he’s got. Oh yes, and girls, he has an endless supply of the best eye candy on his Kickin Tina site, so go have a look – I’m sure the boys won’t mind sharing their sights with us.
I also met a great photographer who used to take pictures of wars but now snaps nature at her best – beautiful photos, but often strangely eerie too. His name is JD and he is also a woodcarver who writes the most amazing pieces of magical realism. I enjoy JD’s unique brand of “writer’s prerogative” because it feels as if he reveals a part of himself to us that is not always apparent in real space.
WebsTeR TweLB is a youngster I regularly visit because she provides an honest perspective on the way her generation looks at life. She can be really funny sometimes and makes me remember that life did not always look the way I see it these days.
I really hope that 2008 will be a blast for everybody I know. I don’t make resolutions, but Leigh and I are working on improving the garden and I have resolved to apply myself more to my studies. I also plan to take on the Department of Education and produce more art this year. There, I said it, so now I am committed to do it.
Political postings will start soon – a lot has happened and it seems that our future president has taken yet another wife even though he seems to have to depend on others to provide for the handful of wives and twenty children he already has, but that is another days ranting.
Love ya all
My 2007 ended with a complete and utter IT crash, but it resulted in a new PC, so I will not complain. I am however still in the process of getting everything sorted and as I am a functional illiterate when it comes to anything IT, things are a bit slow at the moment – plus I have a ton of commitments in real space that are limiting my time in cyberspace, but I am sooo happy to be back in yer midst.
In December my friend Rod Rushing tagged me and due to my electronic black-out I have been unable to honor the meme he sent me until now. I am happy to finally be able to do so in this posting.
I have made many friends in the few months since I joined BlogCatalog and this has made the blogging experience so much more meaningful since I started blogging for the sole purpose of connecting with people all over the world. This venture has made the concept of the Global Village extremely real for me and I hope to make many more friends in the course of this year.
However, today I want to single out a few special friends that I regularly visit and whose visits to my site comforts me.
The fist ever person I met in blogland is Rod, recovering gay crystal meth user, who devotes his time both in cyber and real space to help other meth users kick their “tina” habit. He has an uncanny ability to share his experiences with painful frankness without wallowing in it or getting caught in sentimental circle speak – a quality I really admire. There is no self pity in Rod for anything he has lost, only an iron resolve to fight this deadly scourge with everything he’s got. Oh yes, and girls, he has an endless supply of the best eye candy on his Kickin Tina site, so go have a look – I’m sure the boys won’t mind sharing their sights with us.
I also met a great photographer who used to take pictures of wars but now snaps nature at her best – beautiful photos, but often strangely eerie too. His name is JD and he is also a woodcarver who writes the most amazing pieces of magical realism. I enjoy JD’s unique brand of “writer’s prerogative” because it feels as if he reveals a part of himself to us that is not always apparent in real space.
WebsTeR TweLB is a youngster I regularly visit because she provides an honest perspective on the way her generation looks at life. She can be really funny sometimes and makes me remember that life did not always look the way I see it these days.
I really hope that 2008 will be a blast for everybody I know. I don’t make resolutions, but Leigh and I are working on improving the garden and I have resolved to apply myself more to my studies. I also plan to take on the Department of Education and produce more art this year. There, I said it, so now I am committed to do it.
Political postings will start soon – a lot has happened and it seems that our future president has taken yet another wife even though he seems to have to depend on others to provide for the handful of wives and twenty children he already has, but that is another days ranting.
Love ya all